T I M B E R   P O T
About Timber Pot
TIMBER POTは土に還ることをコンセプトに、 杉の間伐材を丸太の 状態から削り出して仕上げています。 傷みや割れなど、本来の自然 の経年変化を楽しんでいただけたらと願っています。
Timber Pot is made from “thinned” cedar wood, by products of forest thinning, in Fukui, Japan. The craft process is based on the Japanese traditional woodturning.As times goes, Timber Pot is gradually changing with tiny scratches or cracks till it is naturally back to soil.
Neglected Forests
In Japan, after World War II, cedars and cypress had been massively planted. However, as Japan was rapidly developing after mid-1950s, the domestic lumber market slumped due to increase in import of cheaper wood outside of Japan. Thus most of those forests have been neglected and uncared for.
植林された杉や檜などの成長に伴い木々の感覚が狭くなり、 そのまま放置すると太陽の光が入らなくなってしまい、十 分に成長できなくなってしまいます。そのため、将来立派な丸太を育成するために、過密になった木々の一部を計画 的に伐採する作業が必要になり、その伐採された木々のことを「間伐材」といいます。
What’ s “thinned wood” ?
Thinning is the traditional forest management tool to remove some trees from a stand so that other trees can have room and resources enough to grow splendidly. Thinned Wood is small timber “thinned” from forests, most of which are useless and wasted.

Timber Pot is a wood-tur ned flowerpot, made from a “thinned” cedar log in Fukui. The trees are full of vital energy, which survived in wind and snow for many years.The longer you use Timber Pot, the further it is aging naturally.